Meanwhile, the lower box covers information of shipment and delivery for the particular supplier such as product name, quantity, expected arrival date, actual arrival date, and delivery status. The supplier menu is divided into two boxes the upper box covers information related to the suppliers such as supplier ID, first and last name, email, address, and phone number. In this menu, users can make a record of the supplier information along with the shipment or delivery made for the particular supplier.

The next menu in the inventory management template is the suppliers and deliveries form. Users can manage the product inventory as much as they need to.
The product menu consists of several columns which are product ID, name, unit cost, and adjusted quantity. This menu allows users to organize the product inventory into one page. The first menu in the access database templates is the product menu. Here is a complete description of the menu in Microsoft access templates. Each of the menus has different functions but all are connected to each other.

The inventory management access templates are divided into some menus which are products, suppliers, customers, and reports. The best way to keep inventory record is using the digital-based inventory access database. This is because the paper-based record is hard to evaluate, even harder for back up and examine the purpose, and it is prone to damage. However, that kind of inventory management is the worst for any business. Most people keep inventory track in the paper-based record. It is the source of potential income and loss for a company. The inventory is the place where the business’s money can be found. Thus, when customers need certain products, users can respond to them quickly. Anytime users need to search for a product, they can easily search for it in the Microsoft access database templates. The main benefit of using this inventory access template is it allows users to know the basic necessity as well as control what they have within the company. The ms access template features some menus with specific form boxes to input the inventory record. The Microsoft access database is basically a pre-made access database specifically designed for managing inventory for small business.

provides inventory management for a small business template for free.